Thursday, October 29, 2009


We have been brainstorming and planning and getting excited for our ward Halloween party. We are supposed to bring and then decorate a cake with our ward FHE group. After hours of searching Google for great ideas, we decided to make a graveyard scene with two 9x13 cakes. We went out yesterday to buy all the accessories and after sampling all of them, will hopefully have stuff left to actually decorate with! The party is Friday so I will post pictures of the finished product.

We are also planning a Halloween party. Last night we started decorating and were there till well after midnight. But I'm sure all the hard work will pay off, right? =) Greg and I still haven't figured out what we are going to be, and I decided I'm going to leave it up to him to decide since he didn't really like any of my ideas... (news anchormen, american gladiators, or tourists)

There's only 8 weeks left till the end of finals, minus the week off for Thanksgiving, and we only have 7 weeks left! Its so crazy how fast this semester has gone by!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Adventure

Our friends Bryce and Maggie invited us to their grandparents' house for dinner. They have an awesome place and all kinds of fun stuff to play with (Bryce's grandma has this huge scrapbook room that I spent like 25 minutes just looking at). Before we even went in to say hello to his grandparents we saw a little zip line and the boys had to give it a try. The only problem was that it needed to be oiled or something, because they only made it about half-way across before they got stuck!

Bryce was the first to get stuck in the middle, and he had to decide to hang on or just fall in.
I hopped in this paddle boat that happened to be ready for a rescue

Bryce hung on till I could get over there. It took me a while since its been a LONG time since I've been in one, forgot how to steer =)Christian decides to test his luck too.

Then of course Greg decides to join in too!
But he decided he wanted to get in head first
We were worried the boat would sink with 5 people on the boat (Christians date Hyson tried it too)
But we made it safely, with nobody falling in, back to shore! And Maggie was the wonderful photographer. Thanks Maggie! Oh, then we met the grandparents =)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

We're Online

Its official! We now have the internet. And its our own too. We aren't stealing wireless from neighbors! Greg's brother Tim is in town for the weekend, so Greg's been taking him to all the good food places in town (Craigos Pizza, Big Judds, the Taco Bus, etc) He also took him shotgun shooting and they had a great time blowing up old squash and apples and anything else they could find to shoot in the garage.

I went on a backpacking trip for a class that was supposed to be for two nights but after the first night everyone was ready to go home. Its snowed on us all throughout the night and didn't look like it was going to let up. So we only ended up hiking about 8 miles total, and didn't get in all the experiences we were supposed to, but I learned a lot. I learned that I like camping but will never do it again in the winter. I also learned that water purifiers freeze, camp stoves don't always work even if you test them before your trip, tents are not fun to put up in the dark, and the food you plan doesn't always turn out as good as you imagined. But I got to meet some fun people and overall we had a good time. Even when we got back to our van and it didn't start. Everyone kept a very positive attitude.