Thursday, June 26, 2008

Husband Tag

What is his name? Gregory
How long have you been together? 2 years 2 months
How long did you date? 9 months-engaged for 3
How old is he? 25
Who eats more? I do
Who said I love you first? He did
Who's taller? Greggors
Who can sing better? Me, but I love when he sings to me
Who is smarter? Most definitely Greg
Who does the laundry? Moi
Who pays the bills? We both do. He pays the phone, I pay the house
Who sleeps on the right side? I do. There's no way I'd be caught on the wrong side!
Who mows the lawn? The landscapers-we live in an apartment
Who cooks dinner? Me and not very well :-/
Who drives? Greg does most of the driving, unless its cross-country (He falls asleep)
Who is more stubborn? Me
Who kissed who first? I kissed him
Who proposed? He proposed at sunrise in a field covered in snow
Who has more friends? Greg does, he is way more outgoing
Who is more sensitive? Me, and I'm not even on medication. Maybe I should be...
Who has more siblings?Greg, by 2
Who wears the pants? We take our turns, but I am pretty bossy

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Biker Dad

My dad decided he wanted a motorcycle so he bought one, and then another one. He has had so much fun going on long rides and taking the rest of us out for a spin. I think he is in heaven.
These pictures were taken just before Greg and I drove out to Kentucky in April. I don't normally wear sweats around all day- I swear!

As Dad and my Brother-in-law Brandon were just pulling up after riding the bikes around, the Utah soccer league mascot rode up on his bike all decked out in leather chaps and vest, looking good and everybody wanted a picture...except me, I was taking it.