Sunday, June 8, 2008

Biker Dad

My dad decided he wanted a motorcycle so he bought one, and then another one. He has had so much fun going on long rides and taking the rest of us out for a spin. I think he is in heaven.
These pictures were taken just before Greg and I drove out to Kentucky in April. I don't normally wear sweats around all day- I swear!

As Dad and my Brother-in-law Brandon were just pulling up after riding the bikes around, the Utah soccer league mascot rode up on his bike all decked out in leather chaps and vest, looking good and everybody wanted a picture...except me, I was taking it.


Anonymous said...

I thought that was you in the chaps. hmm

EmMaLeE said...

Hi Mikki Mouse! It's Emmalee! (Lesley's little sis) Lesley was checking out your blog yesterday so i thought i would drop in and say hi! I haven't seen you in SOOOO long! You're coming to lesley's wedding aren't you? Well, I hope you do so i can see ya again! Love ya lots!


EmMaLeE said...

Thanks! I love my blog also! What are you talking about your blog is way cool! Well, the music i got from and the other cool stuff like the count downs and the happy day thing are from Well I'm very excited for lesley (if you haven't noticed)and im glad she is happy with jason! I'm so excited to see you! You know I have only met your husband once and he was half asleep so ya. Well, I guess I'll see ya in August! So, I'll see ya then! :)

EmMaLeE said...

Oh! i forgot to tell you! i have the third book of twilight! i could send it to you or something if you want! i've read all three of them 2 times! Now i'm workin' on The Host!