Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas With The Youngs

We spent Christmas in Colorado with Greg's family. It was fun watching his little brothers and sisters open gifts. They were so excited about everything. We had a fabulous dinner Christmas day and then spent the rest of the night playing games and Guitar Hero. Turns out there are a few dancers in the family and some wish-they-were-musicians.
Jacob and John
Greg's Dad, Grace, Angela, and Joshua

We have had so much fun visiting the fam and Greg's had a blast playing with his brothers John and Jacob. We are sad to go, but they are coming out to stay with us in March for Greg's brother Garrett's wedding. We are gonna have a FULL house!

We are headed to Utah Tuesday to visit for New Years, then its back to Idaho to hopefully find some jobs and attend another semester of school.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Soda Pop Stoves

On campus each semester the Outdoor Activities program does a few Survival Clinics where they teach you skills to, well, survive. Greg and I went to one last Thursday and made these really cool little stoves to put with our emergency preparedness stuff. You can use rubbing alcohol, the stuff used to get water out of your gas tank, and even hand sanitizer as fuel. They stay lit for about 10 minutes, just enough time to boil a small cup of water :D I thought these were such a cool idea! Instructions on how to make them can be found at (sometime I'll ask Greg how to make those little links to click on)