This is what Wallace has been up to lately :)
His new best friend is Grace, our 4 year old neighbor. She comes over and peaks in our window, which makes Wallace bark like crazy, and she's gotten brave enough now to just come knock on our door or ring the bell, which also makes Wallace bark like crazy, to see if Wallace can play.
We showed Grace all the tricks he knows, so now she tries to get him to do them, and when he actually does respond to her commands, she says "thank you" and gives him leaves for treats. The crazy thing is, Wallace actually eats them. She has been coming over regularly now for the last 2 weeks. I have a hard time saying no to her, since she is getting him out to play, exercising him, and well, she's 4. The funny thing is that even as I am writing this, she knocked on the door and I'm finishing up this post outside to keep an eye on them :)

We got him these little tiny tennis balls with squeakers in them. There were three of them, and within about 20 minutes the squeakers were broken and he had torn off all the green fuzz. Worst 4 bucks I ever spent.