I am so grateful for all the little things. Today anyway. I went running and there were puddles everywhere and lots of mud. But my feet are dry and my clothes are mud free. That's just awesome. I got my nike+ to work. I've been trying for a couple weeks to make it work and finally figured it out. I got out of class a little early when I was in a time crunch. I was working out Saturday on the elliptical, which I hate, and was moving along thinking how bored I was when my friend Maggie brought me two magazines that she was done reading - a total life saver! made my workout go so much faster. I called my mom for a random favor and she was very willing to do it. Greg has been a little sick the past few days. I'm not. Sweet! I was in a group that had to plan an activity for class and we pulled it off Saturday. The teacher even commented on how great our activity went and how organized it was (This was cool because the whole time I kept thinking what a flop it was). Well I'm done now.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Little Things
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 7:45 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
8 Things About Mikki
Favorite TV Shows:
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 11:21 PM 1 comments
I just got called to be the Enrichment Leader in our ward and I have to plan the Relief Society Birthday Party that is going to be held in March. Its coming so fast and I have no idea what I'm doing! I can't seem to remember any of the ones that I went to in the past and I want my first big event to be a real hit. I googled "Relief Society Birthday" and all the ideas that came up sounded so boring. Baaahh!!! What to do...
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 11:08 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Summer's Comin!
The draft is over and the verdict is in. Drum roll please! We are going to FORT WORTH TEXAS !!!
Greg is pretty excited. Fort Worth was in their top 5 cities, I think it was actually their number two choice. I have never been to Texas but basically all I've heard is that it is HOT!
Its nice knowing where we will be this summer so we can start looking for apartments and fun things to do. (Its not Houston Brittany, but its kinda close...) I guess now I can really break in my boots and cowboy hat. I know nothing about Texas except its big, people from there are VERY proud of their state, and most of the people I've met from there talk a lot. Guess its time I start "google-ing" and find out more about our soon-to-be town.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 5:21 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Upcoming Draft!
This weekend Greg and his co-manager David will get to choose where we are going this summer! The waiting is almost over. I'm excited about this summer. We are going to have a great group of guys on the sales team, but we're also going to have a fun group of girls too! One of the girls going out with us, Aubrey, is my new running buddy. She is an awesome motivator and I'm really looking forward to running this summer with her as she trains for a marathon in May and I hope to get into the Top of Utah Marathon in the fall.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 8:26 PM 1 comments