Thursday, February 19, 2009

8 Things About Mikki

Favorite TV Shows:

1. Arrested Development
2. The Office
3. Heroes
4. The Simpsons
5. Seinfeld
6. Friends
7. What Not to Wear
8. Design On A Dime

Things I did Yesterday
1. Went to Class
2. Ran with my awesome running buddy Aubrey
3. Took a test and bombed it
4. Went to microbiology lab and played with bacteria
5. Coveted my husband's phone (I have had the same phone since high school and I love it, it works great, but sometimes I just you know, want a new one)
6. Went to a jewelry party
7. Read Runner's World magazines
8. Slept on an air mattress so I could sleep through the night without my puppy waking me up

Things I look Forward To
1. My puppy finally being potty trained
2. Long Hair
3. Running the Canyonlands half marathon in a few weeks
4. Spending all day with my sisters at the scrapbooking retreat. WAHOO
5. Drinking my next Mountain Dew
6. The snow melting
7. Flowers
8. Getting a new pair of running shoes

Favorite Restaurants
1. Craigo's Pizza
2. Tucano's
3. Brick Oven
4. Red Robin
5. Hard Hat
6. Wingers 
7. Little Caesar's
8. Wendy's

Wish List
1. A cool running log
2. New Nike+
3. A sweet new digital camera
4. A Massage
5. A new car (For Greg. I want to drive our 4 runner)
6. Unlimited Gorilla Munch ice cream ( can't get enough of that banana flavored ice cream with chunks of oreo and peanut butter mmmm)
7. No neighbors ( I always wonder if they can hear me. I almost never hear them, but I'm paranoid they can hear me)
8. My own yard to plant tons and tons of Dahlias and Daisies

I tag Brittany and Maggie 


Jason and Lesley said...

Hehehe...I love your list!
-Yes, 24 is that good! Especially if you've seen all the episodes of that season. Mmmm GOOD!
-That's so funny that Jared does that to you! Christian does that same thing too! Yummy.
-Your butt called me the other day...I got excited for a second and should've just called you back!
-Are you growing your hair out again? I want to cut mine, but Jason really doesn't want me to. He says I can have mom hair when I'm older. :)
-We need to brain storm about a rendezvous.
-I miss your face.
-Good luck with the RS party! I'll try to come up with ideas for you...