Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March Wahoo!

February came so fast-and now its gone already! This semester has really flown by. Which is good in some respects and a little scary in others. Its good because that means I'm one semester closer to graduation, but bad because we have no idea what we are doing for sure this summer. I guess I should be used to the spontaneity of our lives, but I'm not really. We are currently watching the movie 2012, well I should say Greg is, I lost interest after about 5 minutes. Good thing it was free with a Redbox code.

It has been in the 40s lately here in Rexburg and I'm LOVING IT! The snow is melting and the awful ice ruts are almost gone in the driveway behind our house. I was chipping away at them with the snow shovel this afternoon until I got a blister on my hand- then it was time to stop.

While doing my internship this semester I've had the opportunity to work with two people with Alzheimer's. I've never met anyone with this disease before, only seen things on TV, and its been pretty eye-opening for me. I just met one guy who moved in last week, introduced myself and then he asked where I'm from. I said, "I'm from Orem, Utah." and he replied that he was from Provo right by the hospital. about 2 minutes later he again asked where I was from. I said, "I'm from Orem." and he said "Oh really? I'm from Provo, right by the hospital" He is such a sweet guy and the other resident with Alzheimer's is also very nice, they are two of my favorite people there at the Assisted Living center. I'm really enjoying planning activities for the residents. I'm planning a big event for the end of the month, a Potluck from Around the World, where missionaries or people who have studied abroad make different dishes from the country they visited. I'm excited to try different foods, but I'm not sure how the residents will react since they don't even like the food they normally eat.

Well I guess its back to the lame-o movie.