Thursday, August 12, 2010

"This killin time is killin me..."

Seems like the last 2 weeks Greg and I have had opposite work schedules. Both of us are working and that's great, don't get me wrong, but I just think it would be IDEAL if we were gone at the same times so that one of us (Me) wasn't sitting at home for forever (not really). Today I only worked until about 1, and then Greg went to work from 3 to 11:30 pm. So here is a list of things I did today in no particular order:

ate lunch
went for a walk
ate handfuls of jelly beans
went for a bike ride
took a nap
read my book
ate 2 packages of fruit snacks
ate second lunch
threw the ball for Wallace
read the Drivers Manual for Idaho
thought about eating more jelly beans
had dinner instead (but still secretly thinking of jelly beans)

I don't usually mind having time to myself, but I guess I just didn't plan well today or something and couldn't wrap my head around actually doing something productive like CLEANING or ORGANIZING or something... I heard the neighbors next door, the kids screaming and scampering all around their house, little feet pounding on the hardwood floor, and I think, "Oh ya, I want kids... right?" Then I hear their baby cry. . . And I'm positive that when its my turn, to have kids I mean, I'll be wishing for all this time that is currently killing me.


Maggie Dalton said...

I laughed when I read that you read the Idaho drivers manual =). you should have called me to do something!

Ben and Kristen Call said...

I laughed when you ate a handful of jellybeans...very random!!!
That sounds kind of like my typical day!