Well this is our new Delaware ride. For now. . . Hopefully it will last us at LEAST until the end of the summer! We left our 4-Runner in Utah (trying to sell it) and flew out here. It was so weird not having a whole car full of stuff. We thought our apartments from previous summers seemed empty, but they are nothing compared to this summer. We have hardly anything out here with us. Its been interesting trying to improvise without things I would normally have. Even something so simple as having the lid to a pot to help steam vegetables.
The tan lines have begun! We haven't even had that many days of full sunshine, but already I can see a definite sock line. Much different from the flip flop line I'm used to from the summer. Yesterday was super sunny and I actually got burned on my forehead and arms a bit. I tried to drink lots of water but couldn't keep up with the heat of the sun. It won. I got so hot and had an awful headache. Next time I'm wearing sun screen and a HAT!
We've hit our dinner goals two weeks in a row! As an office we set a goal at the beginning of the week and when we hit it on Saturday we go out to eat courtesy of the owners. We went to Roadhouse last week and Red Robin yesterday. It is super fun since the rest of the week we don't do anything except work, come home, eat gross food (frozen burritos, frozen pizza, or something else equally unappetizing), and sleep.