Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh Goodie!
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 12:28 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
Break Time!
LOVING the fact that we get a week off for Thanksgiving! The crazy thing is that I somehow have managed to plan a lot more stuff than I originally thought. If I do actually get all the things done that I need to, it wont be much of a break, but whatever.
A little photo shoot with my little brother
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
So I have posted about German Pancakes before, but not German Pancakes with BUTTERMILK SYRUP! I found the recipe here. I have had buttermilk syrup only one other time in my life, and I loved it then too! Never having made the stuff before, I will issue one warning: It gets super bubbly and frothy as you boil it, so make it in a LARGER saucepan. I only have one (One day I'll graduate to a nice set of pots and pans, when I'm nicer, more mature, etc) smaller saucepan, not sure the proper measurements, but after it boiled over just a couple times, I had the most delicious syrup and even some left over to have on waffles tomorrow!
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 11:40 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I LOVE holidays, especially Christmas and Halloween. So I got really excited when Greg's brother Garrett and his wife Josie wanted to carve pumpkins about two weeks ago! I've been way too busy to actually decorate my front door or anything. So we put our awesome pumpkins, that we carved to look just like Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street (minus Bert's unibrow, we are going to put a piece of black felt there), out on our porch. I am SO happy that we are being festive...Mine's Ernie. On the right.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 3:41 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I get excited when dates line up like today's. I remember how excited I was in junior high about 02/02/02. Its just fun and I'm a dork. Whatever.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 8:41 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Mini Vacay
Went down to Utah for the first time in a LONG time. It was such a great weekend. We were able to go down Friday morning and come back Monday night. I just love my family. It is so fun getting everybody together and having big dinners and laughing with them. And what a great little break from work! I needed it.We LOVE floating down the Provo river. In fact, we enjoy it so much that we actually went twice while we were there. About 5 years ago we got a bunch of these little blow up rafts, they have always worked great! . . . except the second trip down. We spent all this time making sure that all the rafts were river-worthy, no leaks, nothin'. but somehow about 2 minutes after we pushed off the bank, the one my mom and I were in started sagging. There was a hole! But with our muscles and mad paddling skills, oh! and super-duper awesomeness, we miraculously made it through. (these photos were from the first trip down on Friday, the second trip down was Saturday)
We went for a little bike ride up to Bridal Veil Falls. Greg had never been, so we hiked the little ways up to the falls and took like thirty photos before we got a good one (the one below with all 3 of us). It sure is pretty up there.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 8:03 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"This killin time is killin me..."
Seems like the last 2 weeks Greg and I have had opposite work schedules. Both of us are working and that's great, don't get me wrong, but I just think it would be IDEAL if we were gone at the same times so that one of us (Me) wasn't sitting at home for forever (not really). Today I only worked until about 1, and then Greg went to work from 3 to 11:30 pm. So here is a list of things I did today in no particular order:
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 11:12 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Cat Fight
So I've mentioned in a few previous posts that I currently work at Jimmy Johns. Its not what I would have wanted for myself at this point in my life, not the glamorous job I dreamed about, but whatever. . . Well this girl, we'll call her Catface, who just got demoted from a management position, and they promoted me to her position. Unfortunately, since Catface was only demoted and not fired, I have to work with her during many of my shifts. This makes me feel uncomfortable because 1. I am new to the position and don't know everything yet 2. Catface is fine one minute and then incredibly snappy or rude the next and 3. I instantly get in a bad mood every time I see her, whether or not I've even talked to her, right as soon as I see her I get on edge and feel like slapping her. This is so immature and childish - I'll be the first to admit it, but I still don't LIKE IT! I didn't like her before I got
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
This is what Wallace has been up to lately :)
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 5:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Well May has sorta come and gone, flashed right on by. I don't know what happened-well, nothing did really. I finally remembered that we have a library here in Rexburg, checked out a few books, went to return those few books, only to find that my newly remembered library was closed for remodeling. I. was. Devastated. The worst part of the whole ordeal was that I checked out only 3 books, expecting to be able to go back quickly and get some new ones, and it turned out that one of the 3 I have already read and just didn't know it till I sat down to read it again, and it wasn't even that good the first time! The library is supposed to open again by next week, but knowing my luck, it will be postponed. (Sigh).
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 8:23 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Marvelous Month of May
So I was looking at the date of my last post and it was a long time ago, well just a month, but it really didn't seem like it had been that long. I'm shocked at how quickly this month is going by. I started working at Jimmy Johns, thanks to Maggie (I am positive I wouldn't have gotten hired without her) and am really loving it there. Its fast-paced (as long as there are people in the store) and I really like working with Maggie. This is my first time ever working "Fast Food".
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 10:57 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
In the summertime when the weather is fine...
So I think its official that we are actually staying in Rexburg this summer. I love Rexburg. I'm super excited that we'll actually be here-which is when everyone says its the most fun in Rexburg. Now we can actually do the things I've always wanted to do during the summer- like spend time together :) Every summer Greg has sold security systems and is usually gone from about 10:30 am to 11:30 pm. Doesn't leave a ton of time to do fun summer-time stuff. So, now that we will be working normal jobs, we can actually go camping and have BBQ on weekdays or weekends-whatever we want! There are so many possibilities-they are endless! Now maybe after living here for almost 5 years, we can explore all the fun things to do in Rexburg that don't involve snow. I've got a big list of craft projects I want to do, camping trips to plan, and a little running to fit it there too. I want to get better at tennis, play soccer and ultimate frisbee, and play outside with the pup. Anyway, that's all really. Just happy :)
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 9:25 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Greg Old's Birthday
Thursday was Greg's birthday and I had to keep reminding him that it was coming up. I guess once you get older you just don't care as much about birthdays.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Little Confused
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 5:48 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Random Update
In my sports medicine class we've been practicing taping for various injuries. I had to practice, and since it didn't really work to practice on myself, I recruited some help from my cousins. We are going to be tested on our taping next week, so I had to get lots of practice in.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 11:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
March Wahoo!
February came so fast-and now its gone already! This semester has really flown by. Which is good in some respects and a little scary in others. Its good because that means I'm one semester closer to graduation, but bad because we have no idea what we are doing for sure this summer. I guess I should be used to the spontaneity of our lives, but I'm not really. We are currently watching the movie 2012, well I should say Greg is, I lost interest after about 5 minutes. Good thing it was free with a Redbox code.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
Crafty Randomness
For one of the activities at the Teton House, the place I'm doing my internship, we made these little refrigerator magnets. The ladies that came picked out the paper they wanted and we put them together for them to take back to their rooms. I had a lot of fun doing it because I got my cousins Rachael and Leanna to come help. Everything is more fun when you have friends! I liked the magnets so much that I had to make some for my own fridge. I found all of these wood scraps behind our house, so I went around and picked them all up (got the idea from my friend Brittany when she stilled lived here), and even made Greg hop in some dumpsters behind home construction sites to get other wood pieces. I sanded them down and painted these ones, I plan on covering the front with paper and trying to make them look cute. It will say L-O-V-E or H-O-M-E or something equally cliche ;-)
I got into a card-making frenzy and went nuts with paper and embellishments strewn about the room . I can't believe the HUGE mess I made, right after Greg helped me organize my scrapbook room . It really is a disaster. These are just a few that I actually thought to take pictures of. We also made cards at the Teton House, one lady wanted some for her 19th and 20th great granddaughters that will be born this month. I can hardly imagine having kids let alone 30-something grandkids and almost 21 great grandkids.
This is Wallace playing pool. He was going around knocking all the balls into the pockets. I was surprised he actually held still long enough to take a picture. He's a funny little guy. Tonight its just the two of us. Greg went snowmobiling with Bryce and Maggie and I couldn't go so Wallace and I are cuddling =) Tonight we are watching a movie at the Teton House and I'll be lucky if I can even get any of the residents out to do anything. Its funny because I would think these old people would want to come out to the activities I plan because I think, "What else are you gonna do but sit in your room and watch TV". But during the week only one or two show up. Oh well. Hopefully its fun for those 2 people that come.
For Josie's birthday her mom made this really cute cake shaped like a giant cupcake and I thought it was so cute I wanted to show it. Garrett and Josie are getting married in about a month! I'm so excited for them.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 3:42 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
This has been a great week. Lots of time with friends and family, and topped it off with great church meetings Sunday. Its amazing how easily we forget that the Lord knows us, each person individually, then sends us little reminders. That's just one of the reasons I love going to church Sundays. I feel that the Lord speaks to me and answers prayers through people's comments during lessons and especially while singing hymns. I got a great reminder today about pride. This guy got up during Fast and Testimony meeting and explained that we don't need pride because the Lord loves us SO much, so there is no need to impress anyone else, just Him. That's a very simplified version, but pride is something I've been struggling with lately. Mostly just admitting when I'm wrong - I know, like that ever happens.
On another note, This is Wallace and his girlfriend Juicey. She's a Maltese and we want to bread them. Wallace fallows her around non-stop. Last Thursday we went to Josey's birthday party (Josey is Greg's brother Garrett's financee) and hung out for about 6 hours. Wallace never left Juicey's side and we would tease him by trapping him in a corner while Juicey ran off and Wallace would flip out! Anyway I thought this one was cute since it looks like he's kissing her ;-)
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 11:28 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
This month is going by SO fast! I'm kinda glad though, that means Spring will come that much faster. Greg got a job, I got an internship, and we have been watching season 5 of 24. Life is good.
Posted by Mikki and Greg at 10:33 AM 0 comments